Monthly Archives: November 2011

Camelot – Blacksmith

Blacksmith Character Sheet a Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Blacksmith Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


The Blacksmith is an all important character in many RPG’s, stories, and tales. Who else could forge a sword capable of killing the End Boss?

This Flash Cartoon Character Pack is a valuable addition to your Flash Library because he is someone who can aid your hero in his quest. With the right metals, he can forge a weapon of great power. What weapon can he forge for you?

Like all Character Packs at FlashCartoonLibrary, the Blacksmith comes with 8 poses, dozens of hands, multiple feet, 10 mouth comps, 3 eyebrow expressions, and easy-to-use head comps.

Use this character pack in your Flash Project to tell a deeper story and propel your hero into the next level of greatness.

You can take a better look at the Blacksmith here:!__detail-CAMELOT-1/BlackSmith

Or check out the entire Camelot Series:!__CAMELOT  FlashCartoonLibrary

Camelot – Headsman

Headsman Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Headsman Flash Cartoon Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


The Headsman is another great cartoon character pack ready to be added to your flash library. This art asset is available in the Camelot Series at FlashCartoonLibrary.

He is ruthless killer responsible for beheading the enemies of the crown – those criminals who have been deemed guilty in the eyes of the law and sentenced to death.

For a few extra coins, he may keep his blade sharp enough to cut your head off in one stroke. He keeps so busy these days that the ax blade sometimes dulls with all the hewing of necks. Failure to tip him well might mean he has to take a couple extra strokes to cut clean through the neck.

Using flash, this character can be used in cartoons of your making. Consider using him at the moment the King is ridding himself of his greatest enemy. Or use him in a flash game as the man about to finish off the hero in your story.

Whatever your needs, you must agree, this flash cartoon character pack would be a great art asset for your flash project.

Download him from:!__detail-CAMELOT-2/Headsman

Monsters – SnakeGoldF

SnakeGoldF Character Sheet - Flash Cartoon Character Pack


SnakeGoldF Character Sheet Flash Cartoon Character Pack


This awesome Character Pack is “SnakeGoldF”. It is a beautiful elf woman from the waist up, and a gold-reptilian snake lower half. This flash character would be similar to Medusa, Golobulus, or other snake creatures. What makes this creature different is her feathery, angel wings. These angel wings make this a more interesting character because it would allow a more mystical setting than a simple dungeon. This character would be great to encounter a Paladin to deliver a magical artifact or to lure adventures into a trap.

Use this Character in your flash based project, video game, or animation. This is a pre-made 2-d flash cartoon character pack that is available for instant download. You can start animating today with this sexy, bejeweled creature. What kind of story can you tell with this winged-elf-snake?

She comes with 8 views as you can see above in the character sheet. She also comes with ready to animate mouth comps, dozens of hands, and 3 different eye expressions. Start making your cartoon today with these downloadable flash products.

FlashCartoonLibrary has literally HUNDREDS of characters to choose from! There are multiple categories. This particular flash cartoon character is available in the MONSTER series. There are many more awesome flash characters ready to be downloaded that you can use to wage mythological battles like the tales of Odysseus, or a trip to Ancient Egypt. Take a look around the site when you have a chance.

If you like this character pack for Flash 8 and up, you can view more details at:!__detail-MONSTERS-2/SnakeGoldF

Camelot – Templar Knight (White)

Templar Knight (White) a Flash Cartoon Character Pack by FlashCartoonlibrary

Templar Knight (White)

This Templar Knight can hack his way through any unruly mob.  He is armed with a standard sword and comes with a bucket helm. This Flash Library Asset features 8 full turns like every other Character Pack at FlashCartoonLibrary. Check it out:!__detail-CAMELOT-5/TemplarW

Knight Templar (White) Character Sheet Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Knight Templar (White)

Camelot – Templar Knight (Black)

TemplarB Flash Cartoon Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Templar Knight (Black)

If you need a Soldier who can swing a sword and lop off heads, consider this armored soldier – TemplarB.  This Flash Cartoon Character Pack is an excellent Flash Asset for your library. You can use this character in any appropriate Flash Project. I’d like to see what you can do with him. You can see more details here:!__detail-CAMELOT-5/TemplarB

TemplarB by FlashCartoonLibrary - a Flash Cartoon Character Pack

Templar Knight (Black)

Camelot – Robin Hood

Robin Hood Flash Cartoon Character Pack

Robin Hood

Robin Hood isn’t really part of Camelot, but I don’t thing we need a Sherwood Forest category. Robin hood is a great archer, ladies man, and robber of the rich and giver to the poor. He is a great Flash Cartoon Character Pack because he is well known and you can put your own spin this legendary man. Maybe Sheriff Nottingham can kill him. Maybe Robin chops off Prince John’s head. Maybe Robin chickens out and runs away. With this awesome Flash Character, you can download him and start telling your own story. Click here for more details:!__detail-CAMELOT-6/Robinhood

Robin Hood Flash Cartoon Character Pack

Robin Hood


Camelot – King Arthur

King Arthur

King Arthur

Arthur, King of the Britains, the legendary hero who held Excalibur and formed the Court at Camelot. Many stories can be told about his life. Merlin and the Sword in the Stone. Guinevere, Lancelot, the Quest for the Holy Grail. King Arthur is a great character pack. He is highly detailed, with gleaming armor, and comes with an awesome sword! Check out more details:!__detail-CAMELOT-3/KingArthur

Arthur, King of the Britains

King Arthur

Camelot – the Red Knight

the Red Knight by FlashCartoonLibrary

the Red Knight

The Red Knight is another awesome Character Pack available in the Camelot Series. He is armed with a big sword and a cool Minotaur-horn helmet. This guy would make a great NPC style character or maybe you hero if you think he is extra cool. What do you think?

Camelot – Green Knight

the Green Knight by FlashCartoonLibrary

the Green Knight

The Green Knight is another awesome Knight in the Camelot Series. I hope to see more Knights in the future, but for now, this guy is pretty cool. The green threads and red cape make him look more of an outsider, or roguish type, maybe more of a chaotic-good-type character. This Character Pack includes a Long Sword and an Ax so to chop up any baddies you want to throw at him. I could see him moving down a Castle Corridor by torchlight, chopping down guards and moving quickly. Or maybe you have a better idea? All you Flash Storytellers out there can do something good with this guy and when you make something cool, send me a link.  I’d like to see what you all can do with him. Check out more details:!__detail-CAMELOT-2/GreenKnight

Green Knight Promo

the Green Knight

Camelot – the Black Knight

Black Knight - Flash Cartoon Character Pack

One of my favorite Flash Cartoon Character Packs is the “Black Knight”. This guy would be perfect for any medieval setting. He is heavily armored, has a cool helmet and rad hair. When he is not chopping up Heroes who cross his path, he can be found practicing his swordsmanship and preparing for battle. What sort of scenarios can you think of that you might find this Character? Check out the whole Camelot Series at:!__camelot

the Black Knight

the Black Knight