Monthly Archives: December 2011

Camelot – Royal Purple

RoyalPurple character sheet a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Royal Purple

Royal Purple a character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Royal Purple

Royal Purple is a dangerous sorcerer type character available for download at

This character pack is great for your medieval story line as a villainous woman intent on the destruction of your Protagonist.

This Character Pack is available for Download as a Flash 8 file. She is easily customizable, with over 200 library symbols. She has 8 full turns, dozens of hands, 3 eyebrow expressions, multiple feet, and 10 mouth phonemes.

This character pack for your Flash Library is perfect for your cartoon library. With a nice collection of characters, you can easily begin animating your own story, creating your own comic, or developing your other flash project.

With over 300 characters to choose from, FlashCartoonLibrary is a great resource for your flash animation needs. When you are ready to begin telling your story, check out our library and find the Character Packs you can use to get your project moving.!__camelot!__detail-CAMELOT-4/RoyalPurple

Camelot – Red Dress

reddress character sheet a character pack by flashcartoonlibrary

Red Dress

Red Dress is a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Red Dress

Red Dress is a medieval character in the Camelot Series at FlashCartoonLibrary. She is made in Flash 8 and can be downloaded for immediate use as a library asset in your flash animation, cartoon, or graphics project.

This character pack includes over 200 library symbols consisting of 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, dozens of hands, multiple feet, and an accessory.

If you are a Flash Developer looking for art assets, FlashCartoonLibrary has hundreds of pre-made character packs to jump start your project.

These character packs for Flash are easy-to-use, customizable, and great fun. Put any words you want in her mouth and tell your own story.

Red Dress is just part of our ever growing library of cartoon stock art at Flash Cartoon Library. You can see our huge selection of downloadable cartoon characters by clicking the links below and perusing our massive collection.!__new-features!__detail-CAMELOT-4/RedDress


Camelot – Princess

Princess character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Princess character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Every kingdom needs a princess. This pretty, pink princess is the crown jewel of all the Camelot flash cartoon character packs. This Character allows easy story line possibilities because the princess is easy to involve in kidnapping stories, or love triangles, or whatever! Passion and Romance are important themes for story lines and what easier character pack to fall in love with than the King’s own daughter?

Armies wage war, and nations split over the conflict that can be created by the want of a beautiful women. With FlashCartoonLibrary’s character packs, this princess cartoon character can add a whole new level to your cartoon.

FlashCartoonLibrary is dedicated to bringing you the largest online collection of character packs for Flash 8 and up. These characters are easy to use, customizable, and invlude over 200 library symbols to help make your character easy to animate!

This character pack includes 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, 10 mouth phonemes, dozens of hands, multiple feet, and multiple feet.

Enlist this lovely woman and add her to your library assets at FlashCartoonLibrary!!__camelot/page-2!__detail-CAMELOT-4/Princess

Camelot – Peasant

Peasant character sheet a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Peasant Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


The Peasant is your standard commoner for your medieval setting available from FlashCartoonLibrary in the Camelot Series.

This Character Pack is part of the FlashCartoonLibrary family of cartoon characters available for download in flash 8 format for your animation, game, comic, or graphics project.

Use this Peasant to defend the town from the attacking Goblin horde. Can the village be saved by this heroic character? Probably not. More than likely he will be hacked to pieces and his bones dried in the hot sun.

What becomes of this character pack is up to you. With the Peasant in your Flash Library, your story is waiting to be told.

Flash Cartoon Library has over 300 character packs in its collection. Each cartoon character can be opened in flash 8 and above and contains over 200 symbols consisting of 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, 10 mouth phonemes, dozens of hands, multiple feet, an accessory and loads of fun. Our character packs are easy to use and are customizable. Take a trip over to our website and search through our categories for characters that can help get your flash project moving.!__new-features!__camelot!__detail-CAMELOT-3/Peasant

Camelot – Nobleman

Nobleman character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Nobleman character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Camelot is  FlashCartoonLibrary’s mightiest category with a large collection of Knights, heroes, tavern-folk, brigands, and evil-doers. The Nobleman is the voice of reason and civilization in your medieval tale.

This Character Pack for Flash 8 and up knows what is going, keeping his fingers on the pulse of the day-to-day affairs of his countrymen. With 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, dozens of hands, 10 mouth phonemes, multiple feet and an accessory, the Nobleman is equipped to defend the city with his wits, guile, and lead his people to great heights. Unless, of course, a group of villains move into town – then he might be in a lot of trouble.

FlashCartoonLibrary has hundreds of character packs to choose from. With them, you can tell an unlimited number of stories. There are categories to help you keep the theme of your story coherent. There is:

Camelot, Sci-Fi, Angels and Demons, Women, Fantasy, and many more. With over 300 character packs built in flash 8 and above, you have a great number of characters to choose from, add to your library, and work with.

Stay tuned for new additions. We’ve just finished a new category that will be added soon with over 10 fresh, new character packs for flash 8 and above.

FlashCartoonLibrary – YOUR animation library.!__new-features!__camelot!__detail-CAMELOT-3/NobleMan


Camelot – Morgana

morgana character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Morgana Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Morgana le Fay is the half-sister of King Arthur. She is the sorceress whose spell craft brought about the downfall of Camelot. With this Character Pack available from FlashCartoonLibrary, you can tell a tall tale about the Arthurian legends, the Knights of Camelot.

Using these character packs, you can create the story of your dreams. These character packs for Flash 8 and above are easy-to-use, customizable, feature 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, 10 mouth phonemes, dozens of hands, multiple feet, and an accessory.

Flash Cartoon Character Packs are pre-made cartoon characters made in Flash 8 that are fun additions to your library asset. Flash Developers of every sort – be it – Game Designer, Animator, or Comic Artist and can use our characters to jump start their production and get moving!

Our library has over 300 characters and is continuing to grow. We are adding new characters all the time! Stop by and take a look. There is sure to be something you’d like to use.!__new-features!__CAMELOT!__detail-CAMELOT-3/Morgana


Camelot – Maroon

Maroon a character pack by flashcartoonlibrary


Maroon a Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Maroon is part of our continuing saga of Camelot Characters – a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary. This excellent Character Pack for Flash 8 and up is great for your medieval story line for your Flash Animation, cartoon, designs, game or other needs. These characters are easy-to-use, customizable and great fun.

Like all Character Packs at FlashCartoonLibrary, this character pack has 8 full turns, 10 mouth phonemes, 3 eyebrow expressions, dozens of hands, multiple feet and unlimited possibilities.

FlashCartoonLibrary is dedicated to providing the largest collection of cartoon characters available on the internet. This character, Maroon, is a background type character for a tavern or common room of an in.

All Character Packs in the Camelot series give a Flash Developer a great library to choose from when telling your story. You can use these character pack to tell the story you have always wanted. Imagine what you can do with all these excellent character packs!

More character packs are coming from FlashCartoonLibrary. Stay tuned for more or check out our website!!__new-features!__CAMELOT!__detail-CAMELOT-3/Maroon


Camelot – Maiden

Maiden character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Maiden is a character pack in the camelot series at


Maiden is a character pack in our Camelot Series at She is a great background character for your medieval storyline. Flash Developers can easily use her in their projects as she is made in Flash 8. She features 8 full turns, 10 mouth phonemes, 3 eyebrow expressions, dozens of hands, multiple feet, and is easy-to-use.

The Maiden is just your local gal working at the Inn, making beds, serving patrons, and trying to support her elderly parents before she is married off. This young lady is a hard worker who can be used primarily as a background character serving drinks and waiting tables in the background as your band of heroes plans to attack the Goblin Stronghold or kill the dragon.

With over 300 character packs in our Flash Cartoon Library, there is an unlimited combination of material you can use to tell the story you want be it an animation, game, comic, or just a graphic design. These cartoon characters are easily customizable and great assets  for your flash library.

Take a look at our entire collection when you have the chance.!__new-features!__detail-CAMELOT-3/Maiden

Camelot – LocalGal

LocalGal character sheet a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary

Local Gal

localgal is a character pack by flashcartoonlibrary


Local Gal is a young lass in the Camelot Series for FlashCartoonLibrary. She  is a good-looking local girl perfect for an adventure with an Evil, overbearing Lord flexing his authority. Maybe the Antagonist can kidnap her and try to marry her, or maybe he just wants to have his way with her and toss her aside. Either way, she is a pretty face who could use some rescuing by your protagonist.

The Camelot Series is chock full of character packs for flash 8 and up. There are knights, soldiers, bandits, the entire cast of a good common room in and inn, noblemen, well-dress ladies,  and ruffians. It is our most fleshed out section of character packs for Flash 8. Anyone who is considering making their own cartoon animation, comic, game, or what knot should peruse our library of over 300 cartoon characters and consider using them in your project.

These cartoon characters are easy-to-use and will help you jump start your project by giving you great character assets that are fully pose able and look great together. Flash Developers have a great resource with FlashCartoonLibrary. We have the biggest library of Flash Cartoon Characters on the internet and will continue to grow and produce more content for the website. Take a look through our character packs for flash 8 and above and get animating!!__new-features!__camelot/page-2!__detail-CAMELOT-3/LocalGal

Camelot – Hussy

Hussy Character Sheet a character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary



Hussy a Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Hussy is a female character in our Camelot Series at She makes a great addition to your Flash Library when telling a story in the medieval setting. She can be found in the tavern, the common room, out by the docks, trolling the streets, or another appropriate place.

This Character Pack for Flash 8 and above comes armed with a pointy knife for unkind folks. her demeanor and fiery red hair mean she’s got a saucy tongue and doesn’t play well with the other cartoon characters in you Flash library.

Hussy is too much woman for most men. Her attitude would rather send the Knights and Soldiers off to fight a dragon rather than take a tongue lashing by this dame.

This Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary features 8 full turns, 3 eyebrow expressions, dozens of hands, multiple feet, and loads of fun. Add this character pack to your cartoon library and start telling the story you ‘ve always imagined.!__camelot!__detail-CAMELOT-2/Hussy