Camelot – Tubby

Tubby a character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Tubby is a Character Pack by FlashCartoonLibrary


Tubby is a flash cartoon character pack by FlashCartoonLibrary in our Camelot Series. This character pack is a sidekick styled character to Robin Hood. He could be used as one of Robin’s merry men, a simple woodsmen, or take off his hat and use him as a villager.

Our Flash Character Packs number into the hundreds. These Flash 8 built Character Packs can quickly fill out your library of art assets and get you on your way to making cartoons that you want to make.

Maybe you want to make a cartoon about King Arthur. Maybe a Sci-Fi Drama. Maybe a comedy about a Hospital. Maybe a cartoon about sexy girls. Whatever you want, FlashCartoonLibrary has HUNDREDS of Character Packs to choose from to make sure you don’t lose focus and energy building art assets and put you on the path to success.

All our Character Packs include over 200 symbols consisting of 8 full turns. That right – 8  turns – all the way around. 3 eyebrow expressions – normal, surprised, angry. 10 Mouth Phonemes, dozens of hands, multiple feet and an accessory.

These Character Packs are easy to use, customizable, and a lot of fun. Add your sound clip of your dialogue and use Flash to animate the mouth and make him talk!

These character packs are great to get you animating in no time. Take a look around our growing library and see what you can add to your library assets.!__new-features!__CAMELOT!__detail-CAMELOT-5/Tubby

About flashcartoonlibrary

A large Collection of Character Packs for Flash 8 and Above. Multiple Categories including: Orcs, Elves, Wizards, Camelot, Police, Sexy Girls, Monsters, Angels, Demons, and many more! Check it out!

Posted on January 12, 2012, in Camelot and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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